Scenario One
Lindiwe enters a shop in Abaqulusi, South Africa to buy fabric
Lindiwe: Hey Mbali, whats up? Mbali: Im okay, but a bit sick, yourself? Lindiwe: Im great sister, but how can you be good and sick at the same time? Mbali: I took the COVID-19 vaccine, i think its AstraZeneca and afterwards I had a headche, but im okay Lindiwe: Now that you are okay, I need that fabric. You know that Joel is coming to Kikwit and this time I want his attention Mbali: You think that the fabric will help you? He only likes light skinned ladies, haven't you seen his last 3 girlfriends? Lindiwe: There is always a way, I heard that he likes women who wear fabrics. So I want the best fabric so that his eyes will only be on me Mbali: Okay, I have either the Nigerian or Congolese style Lindiwe: If you have the Nigerian style, why are you saying that you also have the Congolese one as if they have the same quality. Just give me the Nigerian style Mbali: No problem, you know it costs 1,500 Rands Lindiwe: For Joel it is nothing. I want it Mbali: Okay, good luck with him |
Lindiwe: Sawubona Mbali, unjani? Mbali: Ngiyaphila, kodwa ngiyagula, wena? Lindiwe: Ngingu sisi omkhulu, kodwa ungaba kahle futhi ugule kanyekanye? Mbali: Ngithathe umgomo we-COVID-19, ngicabanga ukuthi yi-AstraZeneca futhi ngemuva kwalokho ngaba nekhanda elibuhlungu, kodwa ngilungile Lindiwe: Manje njengoba usulungile, ngiyayidinga leyo ndwangu. Uyazi ukuthi uJoel uyeza ePitoli futhi kulokhu ngifuna ukunaka kwakhe Mbali: Ucabanga ukuthi le ndwangu izokusiza?Uthanda izintokazi ezikhanyayo kuphela, awuzibonanga yini izintombi zakhe ezi-3 zokugcina? Lindiwe: Ikhona njalo indlela, ngezwa kuthiwa uthanda abantu besifazane abagqoka izindwangu.Ngakho-ke, ngifuna indwangu engcono kakhulu ukuze amehlo akhe abe kimi kuphela Mbali: Kulungile, nginesitayela saseNigeria noma saseCongo Lindiwe: Uma unesitayela saseNigeria kungani uthi nawe unaso esaseCongo sengathi sinekhwalithi efanayo.Vele unginike isitayela saseNigeria Mbali: Akunankinga, uyazi ibiza u-1500 rands Lindiwe: KuJoweli akulutho. Ngiyayifuna Mbali: Kulungile, ngikufisela inhlanhla |
Scenario Two
Bhekizizwe goes to a shop in Ulundi, South Africa to buy beerr
Bhekizizwe: Good evening guys, you got Carling? Lwazi: We don't sell alcohol here Bhekizizwe: What do you mean you don't sell alcohol here? Lwazi: The boss is a muslim Bhekizizwe: What does his religion have to do with me? I have a terrible day and I want Castel to solve all my problems Lwazi: I think that maybe the good Sir needs the church and not Carling. My church, Branham, is not far from here and I can take the good Sir there so that you can speak with my pastor Bhekizizwe: So the muslim decided to not sell alcohol and you are trying to covince me to go to church, is there another shop where I can buy beer? Lwazi: Well, if you go to 3rd avenue, on the main road and the 3rd building, there is a guy who sells beer |
Bhekizizwe: Sawubona, bafo, unaye uCarling? Lwazi: Asidayisi utshwala lapha Bhekizizwe: Usho ukuthini ukuthi awudayisi utshwala lapha? Lwazi: Umphathi ungumSulumane Bhekizizwe: Inkolo yakhe ingihlanganisa ngani? Ngibe nosuku olubi futhi ngifuna uCarling axazulule zonke izinkinga zami Lwazi: Ngicabanga ukuthi mhlawumbe uSir omuhle uyalidinga ibandla hhayi uCastel.Ibandla lami, uBranham, alikude nalapha futhi ngingathatha uMnumzane olungileyo lapho ukuze ukhulume nomfundisi wami Bhekizizwe: So iSulumane lanquma ukungadayisi utshwala futhi uzama ukungincenga ukuthi ngiye esontweni, sikhona esinye isitolo engingathenga kuso ubhiya? Lwazi: Hhayi-ke, uma uya ku-3rd avenue, emgwaqeni omkhulu nasebhilidini lesi-3, kunomfana othengisa ubhiya |